🏆Profiles and Leaderboards

Foster healthy competition among your community members!

Multiple leaderboards and XP systems spread across platforms actually discourage members from participating since they cannot see a clear path to reaching the top of either of them.

Rep3 helps you maintain a global XP leaderboard and create unique profiles for members that connect with various platforms and integrate perfectly with automated onchain rewards.

Rep3 helps you:So you can:

Consolidate leaderboards

Drive engagement with unified leaderboards

Create unique profiles for members

Make members feel special and give them an overview of their activity

Optimize marketing and growth spend

Improve ROI of incentivization campaigns

3 steps to gamify member activity:

  1. Figure out what platforms you want to track community participation on.

  2. Set level up thresholds and define their respective rewards.

  3. Rep3 pulls in data from a variety of sources and updates the leaderboard in real-time.

Encourage high-impact contributions and achieve your community goals!

Last updated